Bespoke Treatments

I am very pleased and proud to be able to offer personal one to one bespoke treatments, tailored to your individual needs.

I am passionate about my work, helping guide people with deep seated issues that we may find difficult to address.

My depth of knowledge, understanding, innate insight, and personal experience will enable me to guide you as the unique individual that you are, to where you want to be, getting to the heart of the issue, and what’s getting in the way of you moving forward. 

Using my unique approach, I help guide clients to accept who they truly are, going back to basics, uncovering, pealing back the layers, and discovering their authentic nature. Because when we don't accept who we truly are, and we have that nagging or niggling feeling deep with us, letting us know that something isn’t right, and we try to fight this aspect, it can cause further conflict, pain, and suffering.

I help clients reveal what kind of relationship they have with themselves, to help my clients become more conscious, and aware of what they are thinking. To ask themselves questions, like;  

"What am I saying to myself on a daily basis?"

" How am I feeling, knowing what I am saying to myself?", 

 "How am I acting knowing what I am thinking and feeling?" 


"How is this thinking and feeling contributing to how I am behaving day to day, and the decision I am making?"

I help clients create a better relationship with themselves, and others, to deepen their understanding for a deeper connection and meaning in life. 

I guide clients to rediscovering who they truly are, revealing their true authenticity that is filled with love for life! When we tap into who we truly are, we light up from the inside out, living a more meaningful and purposeful life, feeling energised, healthy, happy, joyful, passionate and excited, fulfilling all aspects of our being - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually!

When we are not happy, and living life on autopilot, not really knowing who we are, or where we are going, we can Instead, rely on addictive behaviours and coping mechanisms with instant gratification, that momentarily alleviate our discomfort, that help us to feel better (in that moment) about ourselves, our own sense of purpose, and sense of self-worth.

But it's not long lasting, and so the cycle of self-sabotage, and self betrayal start over, repeating the same cycle.

I help my clients to learn how to love being themselves again, feeling wonderful wanting to do more of what makes them feel happy, and healthy for the long term, rather than relying on external addictions, and behaviours that will soon dispel, and ultimately not truly makes us happy.

All treatments are bespoke and tailored to the individual. If there is something that you do not like in my work then we can remove it, and if there is something that you do find of benefit, then we can use more of what suits you.

If you love the relaxing and deep subconscious healing effects of hypnotherapy we can evolve and work around using this as the main treatment.

Or, if you are happy with the insightful learning's and realisations of NLP coaching we can work more with NLP. If you are more interested in energy work we can focus on Reiki, and the chakra system learning about the energy centres.

This is for you, if 

You’re a person who is seeking more in life. You feel the pull and desire knowing deep down that there is more to experience in life.

You want to be better, to create a better you, to have a deeper connection with yourself and others for a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

To discover whom you truly are, and uncover your truth to reveal your life’s purpose.You want to gain understanding of why you can’t move forward. You want to break free from the chains of feeling limited that has been holding you back and keeping stuck. 

To create the life that you have always wanted!

I help raise self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth, self-love, and compassion, forgiveness of self, and others, and raising confidence. I help guide an individual to go from where they are to where they want to be. You will question your beliefs; you will create awareness and become conscious of why you do what you do. You will learn how your thinking, words, and language shape the world you live in. You will peel back the layers and uncover how your past conditioning is contributing to your life today that is keeping you limited and stuck. You will discover what triggers you, shine a light on your fears and face challenges that will create opportunities for growth and development revealing the Stepping-stones towards your higher potential. 

 "You will learn about the power of taking Full Self-responsibility"

You will learn about the power of taking full self-responsibility, “Taking back your Power’’ by opening up to exploring different perspectives. Dissolve insecure thinking about judgment and what others think introducing a new way of thinking, feeling and being. Learn how to master your emotions instead of your emotions mastering you, so you can make better decisions from a place of clarity and calm, to filter through love instead of having the consequences from making a decision from a place of fear and stress. 

You will gain insights and learn about the power of acceptance and forgiveness opening you up to opportunities and your higher energetic frequency. You will learn the importance of self-love, how to tap into your true unconditional love letting go of the ego and self-Judgment. You will gain access to tools that will enable you to communicate, and connect with yourself, and others on a much deeper level. Bringing inner peace and fulfilment. 

You will learn the power of letting go. To give yourself permission to let go of ALL that no longer serves you. Enabling you to create space for new and empowering beliefs. You will uncover your passions, desires and what inspires you. Gaining inspiration, and confidence to take action! You will re-establish balance within your mind and body realigning your emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and environmental health. 

You will be empowered to sit in your own power! This will enable you to discover your true life’s purpose. You will have clarity and the confidence to create the life that you have always wanted. By acknowledging your ‘Truth’’ and accepting your True Authentic Self you reveal your unique gifts that will allow you to move towards your true life’s purpose to acquire significance, balance, self-love, peace, joy, abundance, fulfilment and contribution. Leading you to a life that you have always longed for.

Rose Quarts

Why is the "Beautiful" Rose Quarts in my healing practice to assist in healing? 

I love working with this beautiful gemstone as it has a very gentle energy that brings out inner warmth. It is a very calming stone promoting peace, relaxation and reducing stress. I introduce this gemstone because it complements my work, and when connecting with its wonderful energy, it helps with compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love with all relationships and the most important one "self love". It aids with healing of the Heart Chakra, reawakening the heart to its own innate love and inner wisdom, helping to align the Mind-Body. It enhances the connection with self and others, inspiring the nurturing of self. It helps with stimulating the imagination to awaken our creativity's, desires and passions. In turn encouraging a deep sense of personal self-discovery and fulfilment.

Its beautiful and gentle essence will encourage healing of emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Circulating healing energy through the whole body. 

doTERRA Geranium oil

Why is the "Beautiful" Geranium Essential Oil in my healing practice to assist in healing? 

I LOVE using this Beautiful gentile Geranium oil - of Love and Trust.

It helps with healing the Heart Centre. Bringing softness and reopening of the heart, so love may flow freely, healing grief, a broken heart, loss of trust in relationships, and with yourself. This sacred oil encourages emotional honesty, love, connection and forgiveness!
Geranium has also been known as ‘the emotional healer!
The warmth of this wonderful oil aids in nurturing the heart, the inner child, and assists in reparenting one’s self. Installing unconditional Love and trust!

"You have everything you need within you right now; all you need is to find the key to unlock the door to freedom."


I help you achieve balance and feeling centred. Our mind, body and spirit work best when everything is working in unison, coherent and aligned. And when all is communicating well with one another we can function at our best our “Higher Potential”.When we do become out of balance our bodies will give us feedback i.e. our body will present aches and pains, negative emotions, negative behaviour, depression, depletion and lack of energy. 

All symptoms letting us know that we are out of balance. It is important for us to maintain balance for optimum health and wellbeing. 

If this is not achieved it can cause our bodies to not function properly and can lead to problems and disease. 

"All events are attempting to bring us back into balance, the wisdom is in seeing and acknowledging that. 

You will use the tools you learn to feel every emotion with better understanding and insight, to work through every emotion and to let them pass. 

 You don’t have to live a life of struggle, stress and sacrifice. Learn the art of Mastering “YOU”.

My clients are welcomed into a relaxed safe healing space, using mindfulness, various healing tool and affirmations. All helping to reduce stress, calm the mind, and improve overall health and wellbeing of the Mind-Body and Spirit. 

I often use Reiki when I am coaching too, to help my clients relax, as this contributes greatly when I’m gently guiding these amazing individuals to a place of natural deep healing, not just in the Mind but on a Physical and Soul level too. 

This contributes to calming the mind, helping with all emotional aspects. It helps with aligning the heart opening up to receive, bring about balancing the Mind and Body, helping with emotional and physical well-being. Which in turn enhances the quality of our lives. 

My clients are able to connect with themselves and the people they LOVE on a much deeper level using the tools that I teach.

The key aspects to this healing is;  Knowledge  - I help educate my clients by giving information, and tools to work with because when we know more we are likely to “take action”, and we are more likely to welcome change. 

Environment - I provide a safe, calm healing environment in which my clients receive the healing, so they feel safe and are open to receive the healing. 

"Embrace ALL of who you are! 

Embrace ALL of YOU, the bad and the good!" 

Taking Action

It’s time to step up and confidently embrace the uniqueness that is YOU! It’s time to LOVE yourself, ACCEPT yourself, BELEIVE in yourself and embrace your TRUTH, your True Authentic Self along with your gifts so that you can share your awesomeness with the world! 

LET GO of fear, worry, insecure thinking, self-doubt, self-consciousness and self-sabotage. Get clear in your mind and heart on what you want. Gain the tools to develop the ability to create a new mind-set that is productive and allows you to get what your heart desires. To believe in yourself and to let go of ALL that no longer serves you! 

Be empowered to take full SELF- RESPONSIBILITY for the future you want. To align your mind, body and spirit with your truth, RISE UP to a new level of growth and purpose that is right for you. 

GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to trust yourself to know what’s best for you. To raise your vibration, your energetic frequency to feel good, to attract more of what you want in life. It’s ABSOLUTLY important that you know how IMPORTANT you are in this world. To know that you are worthy and deserving and you are being guided to take inspired action to be your best self. To openly receive unconditional love, experience deep connection, abundance, joy and fulfilment for a healthier and happy you.

"And most importantly and unapologetically LOVE ACCEPT And EMBRACE who you Truly are!"

Your life doesn't have to be full of stress, worry, anxiety and struggle. It can be as simple, fun, exciting, meaningful and purposeful if you choose it to be. You just have to decide to take action!

I invite you to give yourself the opportunity to create the “new you” and the life that you have always longed for. I invite you to enhance what you already have within you and raise your standards to become your best self. You owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself. 

 Come on this journey of awakening, enlightenment ‘WAKING UP’ and stepping into your true authentic “not dimmed, but bright POWER”!!  

First Insight Call

If this is something that is calling to you, then I would love to talk to you, for you're FREE  no obligation First Insight Call. 

We discuss what areas you feel need addressing, and how I can help you move forward. We will discover If we are a good fit to work together, and if I’m the right Self Transformation Therapist for you.

I do one on one coaching sessions from my home in Fareham, or via Zoom, which is on line.

If you are ready, then come on a journey with me, and I will gently guide you to move forward towards a new creative and empowered YOU! 

 Because when you make that change you will be amazed!! If you are ready, then come on a journey with me, and I will gently guide you to move forward towards a new creative and empowered YOU! 

 Because when you make that change you will be amazed!! 

Live in Love


Important: This may stir up some emotions, which is completely natural. Please be aware that there may be some subconscious fears that will arise, and may try to sabotage you from moving forward towards change. This is also normal, as our subconscious wants to keep us safe, and will keep us away from the unknown. You may get thoughts come up, giving yourself reasons why you shouldn’t change, and everything is fine just the way it is, or, you can do it another time, keeping you limited and stuck, and back to square one. If this does happen message me and I will only be too happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

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