Can You Guarantee Specific Results?

It’s up to you with the results you get. I’m passionate about my work, I believe in the process. I share my personal practice around my own healing. How shifting my beliefs, values and perception of the world helped me wake up, enabling me to choose my emotional and energetic state.  

It is an art, a science and a way of life. I have done the work and experienced the process. I have seen what can happen, the breakthroughs and transformations when individuals do the work. When they put the time, effort, practice, patience and dedication in. You will only get out, what you put in.

You can experience relaxation, calm, peace, connection, wholeness, centred, a sense of wellbeing and abundance in showing up, wanting more and by doing the work!

Taking massive action by trying something new and opening up to new experiences can make you feel vulnerable and can feel very scary.

But do you know what? 

On the other side of that are feelings of empowerment, excitement, joy, fulfilment and freedom. It’s full of possibilities and new opportunities.

I don’t want to try and convince you, I want to empower you to feel safe and trust yourself to do what feels right for you. Owning your greatness and living in your truth takes great courage and is not anything anyone can do for you, it’s a way of being, it is a way of life. 

We are not human “doing’s” we are human “beings”. We have free will to be whom we choose to be.

When you take action from a place of purpose, from a place of wanting more, knowing that you are worthy of an incredible and meaningful life. That’s when the MAGIC happens!

How long will I need to attend these sessions?

I get this question asked a lot, and it really depends on the individual, how the individual is open to receive the treatment. Some people consciously want to move forward with treatments and "think" they are ready, but on a subconscious level they are not ready, so the subconscious will try and sabotage your healing, not allowing the healing and transformations to take place. 

Some people attend and the subconscious will present fear because of the unknown, and give you many reasons why you do not need to attend and step into the unknown and find the truth and what is needed for transformation, because it can be scary, and it takes great courage to face your fears and look deep within yourself and to find the truth.

In my experience some people have broken through in two sessions, and others have attended 7 sessions or more.

My NLP and Hypnotherapy work is more short-term rather than long term treatments with amazing results. 

Unless you are wanting to continue the relaxing and blissful effects of Reiki, this can be for as long as you wish to receive the healing benefits of Reiki, as you can pick and choose how may treatments you wish to receive. See Reiki for more information.

Am I too Old to Change?

We are never too old for change! 

It is part of who we truly are as Human Beings, to continue to learn and grown, to get the most and best from living the lives we life.

Is Hypnotherapy Dangerous?

Hypnotherapy is completely safe and is one of the safest tools if used with a trained therapist. 

You the client are in control! You the client will only accept the suggestions that are introduced if they are consistent with your own internal values and beliefs. 

It is not advised to practice hypnotherapy with individuals who are a danger to themselves or others with certain disorders, to name a few; Multiple Personality, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Hysteria, Epileptic Seizures, acute panic attacks, or have had highly traumatic or highly repressed issues. 

It is not advised to introduce hypnotherapy if a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

It is also not advised to introduce hypnotherapy to treat life-threatening diseases, as such treatment is "controvercial" and the idividual should be encouraged to go along and get an assessment from a medical professional (doctor) before seeking alternative treatments.

Why can't I seem to move forward in my life?

When wanting change, and we start opening up to change, this may stir up some emotions, which is completely natural. There may be some subconscious fears that may arise, and may try to sabotage you from moving forward towards change. This is also normal, as our subconscious wants to keep us safe, and will keep you away from the unknown. You may get thoughts come up, giving yourself reasons why you shouldn’t change, and everything is fine just the way it is, or, you can do it another time, keeping you limited and stuck, and back to square one. This is our natural way of keeping us safe, but we are unaware that this is happening. Once we become aware of this we can override the subconscious programme and breakthrough towards transformation. 

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