What is NLP?

NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a way of understanding our mind and body better, and how the two (mind and body) relate to one another, effecting how we show up day to day in the world. It is used to help us understand why we do what we do, to look deeper at ourselves becoming aware of the thoughts we are thinking, the words we are using, and how our thinking and words contribute to the behaviour we practice, and communicate with ourselves and others, therefore us seeing the consequence of our actions as a result.

And this could be our words and behaviour create disconnect, misunderstandings, frustration and anger, or our actions and behaviours may create connection, closeness, feeling heard and listened to, feeling safe and open, feeling understood therefore building

meaningful and heartfelt relationships.

 "Understanding our mind and body better"

Once we become aware of our patterns, and behaviours (because we can't change what we don't know) we then have the opportunity to change our neurology in our brain to create new neurological pathways, new patterns and behaviours, and over time (with practice) positive lasting change! 

Some of the many tools I use are; Time Line Therapy, Parts Integration (visual squash), Submodalities Belief change, Anchoring, Meta programmes, Reframing, Change perspective using Eye Patterns, Circle of Excellence, Fast Phobia Cure, Wheel of Success, Smart Goals and NLP Present.

Our brains are truly amazing, and when we apply ourselves, will continually grow, develop our skills, and naturally  evolve, helping us reach our higher potential, living the best version of ourselves.

We learn best when we feel safe, when our mind and body is in a relaxed state.

When we feel safe and relaxed, we activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes balance, homeostasis, natural healing, and the feelings of overall health and well-being. 

It's not so easy to learn and to feel relaxed in a place of fear, anxiety, and stress, which is when the sympathetic nervous system is activated.

This system stimulates the fight-or flight response therefore, this is not the time and state to be learning and healing. 

You will learn how to identify where you are with your nervous system, and actively work towards coming out of Sympathetic-fight and flight, and into your parasympathetic state, naturally feeling more present in the moment accessing positive lasting change. 

NLP is extremely useful in helping you to understand yourself, and

others better.

What can NLP do for me?  

 "It empowers you and helps you realise your true potential" 

It helps you to understand why people act, and behave the way that they do so you can make better choices, and change unwanted behaviours. It will help you to answer any unanswered questions you may have. It will enable you to take responsibility for your actions, and your thoughts, enabling you to be in control of your emotions, instead of letting your emotions control you. NLP empowers you, and helps you realise your true potential by removing blocks that were previously limiting you. It is used to enhance performance in life, relationships with loved ones, friends and family. It will help you to control your emotional state, and to stay focused on what you want from life, to achieve your goals, and dreams.

It allows you to have more choices about your life, creating the space for more freedom, reducing inner conflict, and inner termoil. 

Living a life of ease, and inner peace, that will set you free!

What to expect from an NLP Coaching session

This is where my unique practice comes in. I combine my knowledge, wisdom, and tools with NLP, Hypnotherapy, Reiki and Chakras, to a coaching session to help get to the core aspect of what is holding you back. You will complete a confidential client history form that outlines the areas in your life that you would like the session to focus on. This will also help me to monitor your progress from session to session. Once you have asked any questions you have we will ten get started.

How do I know this is right for me?  

People who have a nagging feeling, that something in their life, or, mind and body is out of balance, or they feel like they are struggling within themselves, and their environment, usually find Coaching at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this content could be the sign that your mind, and body is ready for healing and growth. 

First Insight Call

If this is something that is calling to you, then I would love to talk to you, for you're FREE  no obligation First Insight Call. 

We discuss what areas you feel need addressing, and how I can help you move forward. We will discover If we are a good fit to work together, and if I’m the right Self Transformation Therapist for you.

Important: This may stir up some emotions, which is completely natural. Please be aware that there may be some subconscious fears that will arise, and may try to sabotage you from moving forward towards change. This is also normal, as our subconscious wants to keep us safe, and will keep you away from the unknown. You may get thoughts come up, giving yourself reasons why you shouldn’t change, and everything is fine just the way it is, or, you can do it another time, keeping you limited and stuck, and back to square one. If this does happen message me and I will only be too happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

I do one on one coaching from my home in Fareham, or via Zoom, which is on line.

If you are ready, then come on a journey with me, and I will gently guide you to move forward towards a new creative and empowered YOU! 

 Because when you make that change you will be amazed!! 

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